3 Powerful Secrets to PROFITABLE Actions

As you’ve noticed, we’re moving rapidly into a new economy — a time when you’re going to be challenged to think, feel and act differently in order to stay ahead of the curve. This fast-paced financial environment will call you to dive even deeper into the wild-n-wonderful workings of the Universe, to finally understand exactly HOW things get created out in the world. Once you get the ground rules, you can begin allowing more and more into your life — more money, more love and more fulfillment. More creativity, health and Soul.

Now that might sound daunting, or that might sound really exciting (I sure hope you pick the latter).

So if you’re like most people interested in generating more income, and making  financially-sound decisions, it’s important to take a look at how your actions PAY louder than words.

( . . . Did she say “PAY?” )

Here’s what I mean: I’ve watched hundreds of women struggle with money, and one of the areas where they fall short the most is understanding the importance and power of taking ACTION — the right action.

While mindset and faith are huge components to creativity and manifesting, they’re not the end-all-be-all. There’s more to the picture, and this is where most mission-driven women fall flat on their faces.

So let’s cover 3 powerful secrets into the world of the wealthy — as their actions hold a big key to why you may be struggling when it comes to allowing in those boo koo bucks.

1. Act like those you admire.

Make no mistake: I’m not talking about the classic “Fake-It-Till-You-Make-It” sort of acting. I’m talking literally about ACTIONS — taking the steps and going through the motions of those you aspire toward or who hold the lifestyle you desire.

It’s not just about feeling more optimistic and confident. That’s important, but rather useless without getting your butt into motion.

There’s no better way to test your money mojo than stepping up in bigger and bigger ways. Once you simply follow in their footsteps long enough, the mojo you were once hoping to “fake” will simply become your natural mode. Hip-Hip-Hoorah!

2.    Get comfortable with discomfort.

If you talk to six-figure women, you’ll find an interesting common denominator: they’re just as scared as anyone else about stretching outside their comfort zone. Thing is, they simply do it anyway! That’s right — they’re not smarter, or more fearless or more beautiful than you. They’re simply far more willing to be in a state of discomfort — as they’ve come to realize that it’s merely the natural response when taking newer, fresher, bolder actions.

So if you’ve been waiting to feel super-duper and uber-confident before stepping out (and up!) to live your BIG life —I hate to tell you this, but you’ll be waiting f-o-r-e-v-e-r.

3.    Set a date — and Stick to It.

It’s tough for everyone to take action — especially when you have worries, fears or doubts (and who doesn’t?). Even the best of us can fall into sneaky habits of subtle (or not so subtle) self sabotage at times like these.

So when you’re paving bold new territory, there’s nothing better than committing to a completion date.

For example, when I’m teaching on a new subject, I’m terrified! If I listened to my thoughts, I’d easily: stall; put things off; make up excuses; and find every reason under the sun to keep from starting anything new.

Instead, I go ahead and set a date for the class — and tell others about it. That commitment helps me step up to the plate in ways I never believed possible. It’s a simple, but very cool trick.

So what is it that you’re wanting? How can you commit, set a date and make it public knowledge? How can you get support so you’re sure to move forward, no matter what?

In the coming weeks observe those more successful or wealthier than yourself — can you spot these 3 traits in action?

Now that you’ve read the 3 steps above, which stands out the most?  Commit to taking 1 action within the next 24 hours. This will help you quickly begin assimilating this information into your being.

Staying in divine motion and taking life’s next big steps are a part of your Soul’s mission in the world. Live these steps, and you feel over-the-moon! Don’t, and you likely suffer.

So what will you do TODAY? How can you embrace these insights, and incorporate them into your life? Make sure to share your “1 Next Step” below in the comment section – a perfect way to commit to your own unstoppability!

Happiest of Holidays to you and those you love,



© 2011 Stephanie McWilliams

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