3 Things that Drive Me NUTS about Feng Shui!

rippinghairYear after year, it pains me to watch wonderful, well-meaning women missing out on the full depth of what feng shui can actually do for them  — often ending in the belief:  “Feng Shui doesn’t really work!”.

So I thought it fitting to share my biggest pet-peeves to help you get the biggest benefit from your own design shifts (PS: All these tidbits work just as well for your inner world too).

STOP if you find yourself…


I’ve found that most people (even practitioners) come at feng shui from a series of rigid rules — missing out on a good 99%+ of feng shui’s capabilities.

(Yes, that likely includes you.)


But here’s the deal-e-o, ladies: rules come from the HEAD. True feng shui comes from your BELLY.

I find it a tad insulting to our intellects (not to mention the Divine Mysteries of the Universe) to think that the “All-that-Is” can be watered down into a one-size-fits all approach.

• Paint my office purple. Check!

• Face my bed to the West. Check!

• Buy a waterfall. Check!

• Hang a crystal. Check!

As with much of modern-day living, I see more and more of this cerebral actions taking place in the name of “healing” — void of any vast, deep, intuitive wisdom.

‘Cause hey: you’re unique! Your home is unique. Your history, and beliefs and purpose is unique. How in the WORLD could one color, rule, layout or direction work for all of us? Simply put: it can’t.

When you make choices and decisions on your own (and from your head) — it’s like trying to fix a busted computer by YELLING at it: No matter how many veins pop from your neck, the machine will just keep spinnin’ it’s broken wheels forever and ever, amen.

While following certain guidelines can be a fabulous feng shui start, I have never seen a newbie make rule-based changes that catapulted them much farther than a millimeter (or two) on the transformation highway.

When you’re working from your head, you’re almost guaranteed to be working from the top–down — skimming the surface and rarely making those deeper, foundational shifts which create an unshakable foundation.

Secret Time: Call me a feng shui heretic, but I personally think much of the “rules” of feng shui can — and have — worked for 1 reason, and 1 reason only: intention. It’s the placebo effect of space — the reason why all the vast and varied schools of feng shui actually get results: If you think it will work, then it probably will.

This all leads me to Pet Peeve #2:


No joke: I have witnessed grown men roll into fetal positions when I merely suggested painting colors on the walls.

But I’m not just referring to Benjamin Moore-based terror-attacks…

I’m referring to the all-around debilitating fear of the unknown: the phobia of doing something — anything — outside your comfort zone.

And my dear, there’s no way around it: Continuing to keep this habit in your back pocket is your fastest, easiest, best-est way to stay completely, entirely STUCK.

Doing what you’re comfortable with — those things that match where you are today —is energetically old news when it comes to personal transformation. Don’t kid yourself: it’s the same as re-wrapping an old gift inside a brand-new box, and wondering why the present inside still remains the same.

Come on…. In the scheme of all things, is it really worth a major twist of your panties to roll a gallon of “Energetic Orange  SW6880” onto the living room wall?

That’s what I thought.

So if you find yourself picking objects, artwork or swatches from what feels “good” today (and not what stretches your very Soul), I guarantee you are missing out on nearly ALL of the results available to you.

A little feng shui discomfort never hurt anyone — but helps everyone!

*To learn exactly how to teach your Inner Dynamo to make those leading-edge feng shui shifts, click here.

Which leads me to Pet Peeve #3:


You may just be a loner, struggling financially or maybe just super-duper stubborn, but without external support it’s easy to stick your head in the spiritual sand and remain just out of reach of that “Unstoppable!” status. (You know who you are).

Time and time again I watch bright, ready-to-burst women spin their inner hamster-wheels — and getting exactly what you’d expect: nowhere, and fast.

Getting outside support is non-negotiable. Why? Cause let’s face it: none of us can see our own stuff…

Without fail, every single person who has attempted to work their own design magic has “conveniently” skip over the exact tidbits that would have hit their “style” sweet spots — almost as if an invisible feng shui cloaking shield kicks in as the unconscious starts to sense that real change is a’ brewin’…

Your HOME-work this week is:

1. Make decisions from your gut.

Start to “feel” information vs. “thinking” it — meaning: walk through your home and see what your body tells you and where your intuition guides you.

2.    Do something stylishly “scary”.

What shift has scared you the most in the past? Painting a bold color? Tossing out those parachute pants?  Cleaning out the garage? Rearranging the living room?

Pick just 1 juicy phobia and treat yourself to something fabulous upon its completion.

3.    Ask for Support.

Pick one of your biggest life stuck-spots and ask those 3 magic words: “I need help!” Call a friend, join a class, hire a consultant or manifest a new mentor. But whatever you do, don’t keep doing it alone.

To fulfill task #3 at lightning speed (and have tons of fun while doing so!) I’m inviting you to apply for a very special complimentary 20-minute “Spring-into-Success” Session with Yours Truly:


We’ll uncover exactly what sneaky spots and invisible blocks are keeping you stuck — and then craft a plan for your imminent success.

Why am I doing this? Because let’s face it: the time for superficial fixes is gone. It’s time to welcome in the new face of Spiritual Success — of Wise Women Warriors who are ready to start living at 100%, full-out and on purpose.

Will that be you?

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