8 Steps to Manifesting Your Very Own Miracles

planeLast week I got a call out of the blue to jet off to Chicago to film a tv show. My gut said “go”, and over the years I’ve learned to listen. What was waiting there? What type of show was it? I didn’t quite know. But with little warning I packed my bags for the eighth time in the past 2 months and jetted off to the Midwest.

Once the trip began there were miracles galore. I got to meet and interview Dr. Andrew Weil [the guru of integrative medicine], I had clients volunteer to take me to and from the airport, I got free cab rides from strangers, made connections with people I never would have met, and got to feng shui a Chicago couple’s house.

Here’s the thing though: This isn’t unusual for me. This actually happens most every place I go, and with most everything I do. Each time miracles happen, I learn more, embrace more, and see more clearly how the Universe operates, and how to best use the opportunities available to me at every turn. Every year gets more and more magical — from turning the most obscure job into a lucrative career, landing my own tv show, meeting celebrities, finding my dream apartment, gaining information, meeting my boyfriend, obtaining new ideas and receiving just about anything else you can imagine — I’ve found life to be pretty darn supportive when I give it a chance.

So how can we each begin to manifest more abundance in our lives? Here are some tips to help you receive your very own miracles:

At this point in my life, I automatically assume that the world is kind. I assume that someone far smarter than I has choreographed my challenges, worries, triumphs, joys, sorrows, and all the rest. To me, life is far to magically complex to simply be random movement of atoms and energy. Through all the good and all the bad in my life, I’ve learned the most amazing things – things I wouldn’t trade for the world. Now even in the midst of challenging situations I know that life’s got my back.

“Ask and It Is Given” is an amazing book, and an even more amazing statement in itself. So often we’ve forgotten to expect support. Usually we’re wanting support, but rarely, rarely are we expecting it. When we expect something to be done, it’s as if it already is. Someone who expects good things in life, often gets it. And have you notice that those who expect the worse, usually get that too? Donald Trump expects to be rich. He doesn’t hope for it, he demands it of the Universe. No matter whether he loses billions of dollars, he gains it right back. Life is solely an outer manifestation of your internal expectations.


When the world hands you a “coincidence”, stop and say “thank you!” In my life, I see coincidences as winks from the Universe helping confirm that you’re on the right track. When opportunities line up perfectly, when situations mystically converge, when opportunities fall in your lap, or when you simply find a penny on the ground, embrace them without hesitation.

Most people, no matter how many manifesting books they read, are still longing for things. The “want” for money, abundance, love, health or happiness is merely that… a want. And voilá, that’s what we get: the opportunity to long for something and not get it. When we think about what we want, or talk about what we want, the world hears “Please let me want for X-Y-Z”. The most challenging aspect of manifesting is to be in the state of already having what you want. Evoking the emotions you would feel once your desired goal is attained is the real key to generating your desires.

The state of gratitude is like having your arms wide open to receive all of life’s bounty. When we’re not in the state of gratitude, it’s like walking through life with your fists clenched and your body contracted. Check in to your emotional and physical positions throughout the day. Are you feeling open to everything around you, or are you guarded, grumpy, cynical or sad? If you’re frustrated by your current situation or surroundings, make a choice to see only the good, even if just for 2 minutes each morning. Jotting down things in your life that you’re grateful for, no matter how small, helps you to open to life’s abundance. As we all know, what we think about most, we bring about!

Why don’t we all have what we want in life? It’s usually because we have beliefs in the way that are generating more of what we’re not wanting, and less of what we are. No matter how much manifesting work we do, if those beliefs are still in place they will subconsciously be running your life’s ship without you ever being aware. Cleaning up these mystery beliefs can be challenging for most. As you travel further down the path of cleaning up your home, body and thinking, the work of Byron Katie can be the most amazing gift. This process is the way I continue working on my own limiting beliefs. The less that stands in our way of believing we deserve a wonderful life, the more we can allow in.

When you choose to spend time with things that bring you great passion and interest, your emotional body resonates on a very different level. Those who follow their bliss, choose careers that bring joy, spend time with people who delight them, watch movies that lift their spirits, read books that inspired creativity and excitement often draw in more abundant situations. If you make choices out of fear or to play it safe, life will give those types of situations or frustrations right back to you. And if you instead take risks to open your heart, mind and spirit to follow your heart, you will, worst-case, get a life of fulfillment and joy. Look inside to all your underlying motivations and shine a light on them so that you might make a different decision tomorrow. Awareness is the key.

When we realize what we desire, and begin to align ourselves with these goals, the next step is action. And often times this is the step that trips us all up. When I had manifested my tv show and had met my producer, I got scared. REALLY scared. And I began sabotaging the opportunity out of fear. But luckily I came to my senses in the nick of time, stood up bravely, and took action. I moved into some of my deepest life fears, I pushed through limiting beliefs, I did things I’d never done before… We can’t stop with just meditation, gratitude, and cleaning up our thinking. We also must take action, and step up to the plate when life hands us miraculous situations or circumstances. Don’t let a great thing pass YOU by!

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