A Fender-Bender Landed Me Dinner for Two

Following Hunches and Leading With Love Innocently Ended in the Sweetest Surprise!

13501998_10154348130088872_5655436957263227402_nSo I’m at a wine bar in my neighborhood late last night — sitting at the outdoor bar overlooking the street (delighting in some seriously-great people-watching)… and *CRACK*!!!!!! = a parking car smacks right into the front end of the car behind it [a pristine, sparkling-black beauty of a vehicle, fyi]… making a noise that definitely didn’t sound “good”… : (

The driver obliviously, and aggressively, wedges into the spot… gets out of his car… and without even a glance, heads to the nearby BBQ joint on the corner.

Well, the Underdog-Crusader in me is RILED UP!!! There was no way I wasn’t going to let this person know that their car had been *CRUNCHED* — and offer to be a witness, get license plate numbers, etc.

So out comes a well-dressed young man — who pops the trunk to the *CRUNCHED* car, methodically taking off and folding his waiter’s uniform… and placing it in the back.

…My friend isn’t sure that it’s a good idea to get involved, and decides to stay silent. Yet I can FEEL that I’m supposed to do something… it would hurt ME to go against my gut, and to stay quiet under the circumstances.

…But after a few seconds of contemplation, I finally made my move!

I headed over to the young man, explained what I saw, and encouraged him to take a very thorough inspection of the front bumper and lights… and if he needed my contact info, etc, I was here to help!

…Then I went back to sipping my wine and watching passers-by.

I proceed to tell my friend a story about how 2 years ago I was able to get a VERY expensive headlight replaced… ***FOR FREE!***… simply by focusing on my desire to have it fixed — and within less than 1 week, life somehow choreographed the wildest synchronicity that got that light fixed, without me spending a dime…

All the while I’m telling my happy tale, the young waiter is inspecting his car, closes the trunk, smiles at me, and then runs off down the road into the night…

Yet a few minutes later he returns, and walks right up to me: “Hi, I’m Curtis…” he says. “I work at the Japanese restaurant around the corner… and I want you two to have dinner on me for being so nice!”

(Note: This restaurant happens to be on my Top-3 list – with the BEST KIMCHI ON THE PLANET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So as you can imagine, I’m GIDDY!!!!)

He hands me a special card, gives me his work hours, beams the BIGGEST grin, and drives away.

So just a lil’ reminder (to myself, mostly):

1. Hold the intention of what you want… with 0 expectation of HOW it’s going to come to you.

2. Be open to the world bringing you abundant lil’ goodies in magical, unexplainable (and unexpected) ways…

3. Always follow those subtle gut-instincts and inspired impulses… they will NEVER steer you wrong!

4. And while you’re at it… be grateful for whatcha got: Because Baby, it’s GOOOOOOOOD.

Now off to plan this week’s comped Kimchi-Dinner-Date: WOO-HOO-FREAKIN-HOO!!!!!!!!

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