Abraham Lincoln was a Big Ol’ Loser…

How our 16th President FAILED his way to Success

It’s no joke. Abraham Lincoln WAS totally and completely a Big. Giant. L-O-S-E-R.

I’ll explain why in a moment.

But it’s important to start by addressing a phenomenon that runs rampant in the lives of women everywhere:  The belief that failure is bad.

Granted, it ain’t always fun in the midst of a goof, I’ll agree. But failure in itself means… well… very, very, VERY little about you. If anything, failure means you’re out there trying on new things — engaged with life enough TO fail. And in my book, that’s an outstandingly awesome place to be.

When you step into your most divine life path, and experience the flow of living on-purpose, you step up more, reach out farther, explore new possibilities and stretch for the stars. And heck, if that comes with a few roadblocks and bumbles along the way, that’s a small price to pay for living such a truly BIG life.

Because let’s face it: the ONLY true “failure” is when we hunker down and stop learning, growing, movin’ and groovin’. When we let our brains, and fear, run our lives, it only leading to a very small, tight, compact existence. Blah.

So today let’s blow the “failure” myth completely out of the water by taking a look at some fantastic facts – a detailed timeline of good ol’ Abe’s “Loser” life:

1818: His mother died

1831: Failed in Business

1832: Defeated for Legislature, lost his job AND was unable to get into law school

1833: His business went bankrupt (so badly he had to take the next 17 years to pay off the debt)

1834: Ran for legislature again… and won (finally).

1835: His Fiancée died.

1836: Had a Nervous breakdown and was bedridden for 6 months.

1838: Defeated for Speaker of the State Legislature

1840: Sought to become elector, but was defeated.

1843: Ran for congress but lost.

1843: Defeated for Congress… again!

1846: Elected to Congress.

1848: Defeated for re-election to Congress

1849: Sought to become Land Officer, but failed.

1854: Ran for Senate, but lost.

1856: Defeated for vice president (and got under 100 votes).

1858: Ran for Senate again… and lost.

1860: Elected President of the United States.

And THAT is what life can look like when you don’t make “failure” mean ANYTHING… and continue to put one foot in front of the other.

‘Cause gosh-golly, what if Abe had our collective stinkin-thinkin’ about his many failures? And most of all, what would YOUR life look like if you lived like him?

Redefining what it means to be a success may be your first step to reclaiming your future: make failure mean nothing, realize it often teaches you EVERYTHING, and keep your eyes on the prize.

You see, success is NOT about never hitting a dead end, or smacking right into a metaphoric wall. Success is about stamina and stick-to-it-ness when life throws you curve-balls. It’s about your ability to keep moving… no. matter. what.

And, in those moments when you forget all this, just paste Mr. Lincoln’s legacy-list on your bathroom mirror, fridge…(or forehead)… so you never, ever again forget this simple truth: failure ONLY means what you make it mean.

And in the end, it’s entirely up to you. What will YOU make your failures mean?

*Feel free to flaunt YOUR failures in the comments below – or share how those sticky situations were your catalyst toward greater strength and wisdom… Smart, unstoppable women want to know!

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