If you’re so smart, why do you keep doing THIS?

If you’re so smart, why do you keep doing THIS?

I see this EVERY single day in my practice…

Smart, ambitious women who find themselves wandering in the general direction of their dreams…but something stops them.

Foot-on-the-breaks. Dead in the water. Goin’ nowhere…fast.

Know what happens next? They STAY stopped.

This happens mostly because they either:

1. Aren’t getting the RIGHT outside support


2. They’re working on the totally WRONG issues.

Why in the world  would be work on the WRONG things? Ah, that’s just the way  gray matter rolls. Your brain, by design, will do anything (and almost everything) to keep you from dealing with the real deal directly, scaring you silly every step of the way by making up clever, crazy excuses why it’s best to keep life very, very, very small.

See if you find yourself using any of the following classic excuses:

• Chasing after the next quick-fix or get-rich program.

• Claiming you don’t have enough time.

• Using busy-work as a way to give yourself a false sense of accomplishment.

• Saying you don’t have enough money (when technically you DO).

• Blaming you partner’s lack of support for your situation.

• Saying you need more training or education in order to begin.

• Going into overwhelm, drama and blowing things out of proportion.

If so, I gotta tell you the truth. These are almost NEVER what’s truly getting in your way.

So what can you do? The first step is to take radical responsibility for yourself and your life. Period. I know that can feel challenging at first. Or may sound overly simplistic. But hear me out…

I am NOT saying you should blame, flog, torture or mentally abuse yourself for where you find yourself today — Quite the contrary! I’m giving you full permission to WORK IT, BABY!!!!! I’m handing you the BEST news you’re ever going to get….


YOU, in all your gorgeous perfection, are a creative freakin’ powerhouse! By claiming the life you’ve constructed (the good, the bad and the oh-so-slightly-ugly) ONLY means 1 thing:  You’ve got the seriously-sweet skills to give life a wild 180°. And guess what? You can have a TOTAL BLAST while you do it… promise.

You are not, nor have you ever been, a slave to your circumstances (even though your brain loves to convince you otherwise). Please. Your Soul is way to smart and savvy for that sort of wimpy, powerless perspective…

But then HOW do you start to create the life you deeply long for? Especially if you’ve never done it; have failed at it before; or no one’s ever taught you how?

To answer that question, I’m inviting you to an upcoming no-cost training call happening on October 19th — a totally f.ree call specifically for women who want to build some major momentum, don’t want to be stopped by ANYTHING anymore, and want the confidence to find their way through whatever life sends their way (no matter what).

On the call you’ll learn:

• The 5 Steps to Deep and Lasting Transformation (and why, if you don’t follow each step, you’re going to have a very hard time claiming your mission).

• Why most manifesting techniques never work – and how to avoid the obvious mistakes so you can attract tons more of what you want.

• Tips for finding your PURPOSE by doing as little as humanly possible.  (YEAH!)

• The 1 and only thing you’ll EVER need to know in order to lead a rich, rewarding life.

• Ways to make your dreams a REALITY by completely letting them go.

…And lots more surprising insights!

Click to join: http://www.youspaceforsuccess.com/boldmove.html

Remember: Being stuck is totally normal. Everybody gets stuck sometimes. But STAYING stuck isn’t.

And being stuck has NEVER had anything to do with the world outside yourself — it’s always an inside job. And that’s the very cool creative place I’m so eager to teach you about on this upcoming call…

I want to see your big dreams get their (deserved) day in the sun! And I want you to know in your bones that you’re a kick-butt creative creature, too… And best of all, I never ever ever want to see you  stay stuck again.

So if you’re ready to start playing a much bigger game, I hope you’ll join me:


Big bundles of love,


PS: Feel free to forward this email to other women you know — I’ll be giving out a special gift for those of you who bring a friend…


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