How Sitting on the Fence DESTROYS Your Dreams:

I was speaking to a 40-year old woman this past year – a woman who had an amazing goal:

“I want to be married and have a baby… NOW!”

Great, I thought. I love women who are driven, clear and bold with their vision.  Yahooo!

So what’s been keeping her from having this? Because it sounds like a reasonable request to me…

Come to find out she had recently ended a 20-year relationship. A relationship where she wanted desperately to get married… have babies… the works.

And he didn’t.

But she stayed… and stayed… and stayed a little bit longer. Then stayed some more…

(You’re probably starting to see that we’ve got a pretty big issue here?)

What are the chances that she’s going to magically manifest a husband and a baby at lighting speed — without some SERIOUS support?

Yup. Not good….

So when I asked her what she was going to do to work through the blocks that have kept her stuck for SO long, there wasn’t much of an answer. And when we chatted about investing in some support to blow this dream of hers out of the water, she said:

“Na, that costs too much money.”

Mind you, this was coming from a professional women with a nice, steady income.

So the moral of this story is:  Stop telling yourself you want those bold dreams if you’re not willing to do what it takes to get there.

I’m not F-ing kidding.

It’s much kinder to drop your Inner-B.S. than to keep living with 1 foot in fantasy and another in stubbornness.  This causes a rift in your energy that wreaks nothing but serious disappointment.

If you’re not willing to do the work, uncover what’s in the way, and step into the woman that you KNOW you are inside — the big, bold woman that deserves these dreams to come true — then drop them ASAP.

That’s right. You heard me. Drop your dreams….

But if you’re reading this saying “No! No! No! I won’t, I tell you… I CAN’T drop them!” then you’re most definitely one of the Unstoppables.

Because Unstoppables don’t take no for an answer. Ever.

Unstoppables don’t give up.


When you’re unstoppable, you’re willing to do whatever it takes to get what you want. And you let NOTHING get in your way… not money, time or any other excuse of other mere mortals.

Plus, Unstoppables make sure to have a freakin’ blast at every moment of the journey — because come on: it’s crazy not to, right?!

Now, this doesn’t mean that life won’t throw you a curve-ball or two (or twenty). Life has ups, and it has downs. But it’s what you do with those downs that matters most.

So this week’s lesson is: Get Clear.

Are you in 100%? Or are you NOT?

Don’t ever stand on life’s fence… it will poke you in the butt. Stand on the green side, or stand on the other. But whatever you do, CHOOSE.

You may not know how to get there. Or what it will take to make your dreams manifest. But choose to follow that dream wherever it leads – simply because you know in your gut there’s no other path. No other choice.

Now climb down off that fence and dust yourself off. Then I can teach you some fun ways to start making miracles the “norm”…

But first things first:

Are you in? Out?

[And make a comment below if you’re one of the Unstoppables!]

Huge love,




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