The Multi-Tasking M-M-M-MONSTER! (and 5 Tips to Beat the Beast)

jugglingLet’s face it.

I’ve done it. You’ve done it. We’ve ALL done it.

Yes, it’s the inner “Multi-tasking Monster” – the odd creature within that attempts to do 2+ things at once.

But unless you’re a juggler with Cirque du Soleil, this mode of working… well… simply isn’t working.

“But wait Stephanie, I am GOOD at multi-tasking. Really! I’m an entrepreneurial all-around go-getter who keeps my family (and sanity) together by this prized talent-o-mine!”

Or so you think.

What you may be calling multi-tasking is, in fact, simply blurred activity. Let’s slow things down with mental stop-motion photography to help make my point….

While you THINK you’re doing 2+ things at a time, what you are in fact just doing is 2+ things back-to-back (perhaps at lightning speed, but still one after the other).

I hate to break this to you, but even if you attempt to channel David Copperfield and work some seriously speedy slight-of-hand – gliding from one task to another with the illusionary mastery of a magician – you’re still just doing one thing at a time.

And actually so is the Cirque du Soleil juggler, but I digress…

Additionally uber-important note-to-self:  all studies show that your effectiveness, focus and productivity plummets the minute you multi–task. For the brain to efficiently transition from one task to the other it takes at LEAST 15 minutes to gear back up to full-steam ahead.


While you may appear lightning fast to others, you’re likely operating at well below 50% of your capacity no matter how fast you feel like you’re flyin’.

But if that’s the case, why the heck do we perpetuate this ineffective behavior?

Well, ladies listen up:

Your brain is wired quite differently than your testosterone-loaded counterparts. Cave MEN had to be in-the-zone in order to successfully hunt and provide. Cave WOMEN had to be pondering the past, the present and the future to predict the food and fur supply to make sure the sick, infants and elderly survived thru the following season.

You see, womens’ minds were built to jump quickly from one thing to another out of sheer genetic survival.


Don’t let that give you permission to keep engaging with this sneaky saboteur. Just because you may have a quick-jumpin’ mind doesn’t mean that this is the best way to utilize those beautiful brain cells — Especially with quick minds like ours, it’s easy to rationalize our way under a bus.

But before I give you five “Multi-Task-No-More” tips, lets see if you qualify as an M.T.-addict…

Do you engage in any of the following behaviors?

• Eating while watching tv (driving or reading, etc.)
• Talking with friends or clients while checking email (or driving, doing laundry or washing the dishes).
• Thinking about your to-do list while having a conversation with others.
• Talking on your cell phone while driving (or doing anything else).
• Working in random, quick and chaotic order at work (instead of off a prioritized, pre-planned list)

If even a tidbit of the above behaviors resonate, try on the following tips to conquer the Multi-Tasking Monster:

1. Breath & Batch.

When you breath deeply, way down into your diaphragm, it’s the fastest, easiest way to get your bouncing’ butt grounded and present.

Once you’ve got yourself anchored into the sweet here-and-now, look at what’s on your plate and batch similar tasks together, like: phone calls, errands, emails and creative work. That way your brain can stay focused and fully alert until it’s time for you to transition to the next grouping.

2. Settin’ the Stage.

To help your brain adjust to the fun ahead, consider setting the stage in a unique way to support your mood and agenda. Perhaps you’d delight in using an antique cup and some special tea when dealing with your finances, or love special background boogie beats for those creative bursts. Maybe you need to put on some silly-wear like costumes, hats, wigs or goofy jammies when approaching tasks you tend to avoid (or that cause special stress).

Consider having unique & distinct set-ups for various batches, using special tools, attire, lighting and music. Even consider selecting the time of day most suited to your alertness and energy levels. Working optimally and feeling your best literally can save you tens of hours at the end of the month.

3. Claim and Conquer.

A colleague and mentor of mine, Stella Orange, mentioned one of her secret tips last week that I also use in my own workday: 45 minute claim-the-space segments.

That simply means to use a timer (I have them all over my home and office) so that I can set short time increments to complete tasks. For my creative writing time, I work no more than 45 minutes at a stretch. For super-stressful daunting ditties, I’ll set a 10-15 minute timer.

4. Timely Transitioners.

When you’ve finished a batch of work, it’s important to gift yourself with a delicious break. This treats your brain to a sumptuous cerebral celebration that will have your productivity (and serotonin) skyrocketing. Try treating yourself to a walk around the block, phone call to a friend, 15-minute dance-party… whatever mini-moment will help you celebrate your accomplishments and boost the mood for the tasks to come.

5. Enough is Enough.

Most of us multi-task because we have beliefs about lack: “There’s not enough time, money, opportunities (and on and on), so I have to hurry and cram more into life! If I don’t, something terrible will happen…”

But this way of living is void of trust, calm, peace… and most of all, miracles.

It is the emotional and energetic equivalence of a clamped fist, clenched jaw and crossed arms. It is contraction, not flow. It is loneliness, not love. It is tightness, not transformation. It is fear, not faith.

Take your most frightening thoughts and limiting beliefs, and stop to question their innate truthfulness. Most of us unknowingly (and innocently) were fed a whole pile of horse doody about the safety and abundance of the world around us. Yet these fears are just a mirage waiting patiently for the magic wand of truth to tap it and make it POOF! disappear.

Taking time out to remind yourself of the goodness (seen and unseen) all around you helps you slow down, think straight and make wise, inspired decisions. It is “the way” if you’re wanting a life filled with joy, grace and fancy, fun, flouncy flow…

So now that all is said and done…is it WRONG to M.T.? Of course not! Everything – even seemingly silly behaviors – are merely untapped goldmines of opportunities (enough to blow your socks clean off)! Everything serves…and everything is merely goodness (God) in disguise.

Simply be on the lookout for patterns or habits that prevent you from being your best self or living life at anything less than 100%. That’s it. If multi-tasking is keeping you from being fully alive and powerfully present in the moment, it behooves you (and those you love) to check this pattern at the door.

Say bye-bye to a life driven solely by the brainwashed desire to accomplish, grab and gobble up more, more, More, MORE! Instead unfold into yourself and the richness of the world around you (which, if you don’t already know, is where all the rich, juicy, gooey-great stuff in life actually lives)!

So, give it up…

I’d love to hear your thoughts and added suggestions on how YOU stay powerfully present in your life… And to make things even MORE fun, I’ll give away one copy of the classic book “Think and Grow Rich” to one lucky, randomly-selected Comment-Leaver below.

So ready… set…. WRITE!



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