Walk on LilyPads (Instead of Leaping Across the Lake)

I heard a beautiful analogy lately that describes a core challenge for most unstoppable women. In fact, it’s SO pervasive that you likely suffer from it too — especially if you’re a women who has big, bold dreams or a passionate mission.

Here’s the issue:

You keep trying to leap all the way across the lake:

. . . . Splash!

And here’s what I mean:

When you have a big vision or a bold goal, it’s easy to compare where you are with where you want to be.

Now, focusing on your goal isn’t bad. In fact, it can be quite good. But your brain has a tendency to wreak unnecessary havoc by scaring you silly in the process.

If we could hook a megaphone to your brain, this is likely what we’d hear:

“Woah there, Missy…There’s no WAY you can get all the way over there!!! Why, that’s all the way on the other side of the lake… Are you MAD? My gosh, look at where you are now. No. No. No. You can’t do that. Who do you think you are? No one you know has ever taken a leap that big. It’s WAY too far for someone like you! I’d just stay here, if I were you. Geeze, people have DROWN taking leaps like that!”

(Or something to that effect…)

So when you believe this rant-n-ramble from your well-meaning Gray Matter, what’s a girl like you to do?

Most would  quit. Give up. Run away. Vamoose.

But what if you switched your focus for a moment? What if you looked down at your glass-slippered feet and realized there were lilypads at your tippy-toes?

What if…

        Instead of fixating on that huge, dark and watery abyss lying between you and your dreams, you just set your sights on the next floating green disc?

What if…

        Your only goal was how to get from Pad A to Pad B?

What if…

        You S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-D yourself slightly — instead of taking a death-defying running-leap (and most likely drowning in the process)?

Where would you be if you simply continued to put 1 foot in front of the other — step-by-step, day by day, lilypad by lilypad —  in 1 year? 5 years? 10 years?

Close your eyes and imagine the day when you look behind you at an endless, floating trail of green — then look ahead, to your sweetest desires only a few more steps away?

[Be still my heart.]

So anytime you feel the sensation of stress, anxiety, doubt or depression, it’s simply a sign to stop scaring yourself silly by comparing your current reality with the long swim ahead.

Because the truth is: Every unstoppable woman had to start somewhere — perhaps right where you are today. And every one of their journeys looked the same: continuing to put one foot in front of the other.

The only difference between those who make it to the other side, and those who don’t, is: are you willing to take the next step? (And the next? And the next?)

If you keep moving forward, then one day — one very, very sweet day — you get to the other side.

So what do you say? Ready to take that next step?

If so, I’ll meet you on the other shore. (I’ve heard the view is lovely from over there!)

…And make sure to share YOUR next “lilypad” below in the comment section!


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