freedomnumberDiscover the Exact Dollar Amount That Can Change Your Business Future

I was recently chatting with an Entrepreneur named Lisa about her business. She was seriously struggling to get things started – and was feeling frustrated in the process.

There were days where she felt TOTALLY defeated, and wondered if she would ever pull off the entrepreneurial life.

I think we all can relate, right?

She was having giant resistance to taking action, and putting herself out there. And her brain was blowing the entire processCOMPLETELY OUT OF PROPORTION!

Thing is: She had NO clue where she was going – so she had 0 clue how to get there. And what was causing much of her angst was the fact she didn’t know her “Freedom Number”…

I realized her first business goal was simple:


She longed for freedom — freedom with her schedule and her time, more than ANYTHING else . . .

But she’d been using the “Hope-Wish-Pray” method for building her business. She was out there throwing energetic spaghetti on the wall of life, and praying 1 of those noodles might “stick”. She was taking random actions, and random steps in the hopes of reaching her dreams.

And as you can imagine: she was getting nowhere.

Now, for YOU that “next step” goal might be different. It may look like:

• Taking your family on the vacation of a lifetime

• Having 6-months of income sitting in the bank

• Being able to hire an awesome support team

• Putting a 20% deposit on your dream home

• Retire for life – only working for fun, not for money!

Whatever it is – big or small – you MUST know how much money you’ll need (and how many clients it will take) to make your goal a reality.

IMPORTANT NOTE: When determining exactly WHAT that goal is going to be, make sure it’s a nice NUDGE or STRETCH — but not a quantum leap off the cliff of life!

For example, if you haven’t made any money in your business yet, how about shoot for making $1000 a month?

Or if you’ve got 5 clients, how about shoot for 10?

Leaping TOO far will just frustrate the crap out of your brain – and that’s when self-sabotage and the desire to GIVE UP really loves to kick in.


It’s better to set a bite-size goal — and blow it out of the water!!! — than to set an enormous goal that never gets any traction.

So for Lisa, we sat down and calculated her monthly expenses — and she required $4500 to pay all her bills.

So $4500 was her “FREEDOM NUMBER” that would allow her to quit her day-job for good.

Now that we knew where she was going (ie: the goal of making $4500/month), we then started to work backwards.

Here’s how we began: 

Lisa currently charges $400/month per client for her weight loss coaching.

So when we crunched the numbers, we determined it would take about 11 clients paying her $400/month to fulfill that $4500 goal.

All she had to do was to find 11 people — out of the BILLIONS on the planet! — who loved her energy, and wanted her services.

Just connecting with 11 people was enough to set her FREE.

So what’s YOUR “Freedom Number?”…

Having your own next-step “FREEDOM NUMBER” plotted out and in full view, is hugely important.

Without it, during times of stress or doubt, your brain can go into Stealth-Sabotage mode — doing anything in it’s power to con you out of your dreams and make you think success is LIGHT YEARS out of your reach.

(Nothing could be farther from the truth.)

What I love about this exercise is that the numbers I calculate are ALWAYS shockingly small — compared to the terror and overwhelm floating around in my wee-brain.

If you’re like Lisa, myself, or the countless entrepreneurs that I talk to each year — you probably getting overwhelmed too.

So sit down TODAY – and figure out what that next baby-step is in your business: and figure out how many more clients it would take to check that baby off your list!

Then, share YOUR Freedom Number below in the comments section – or ask any questions that come up around this topic.

The clearer you are about where you’re headed, the faster you’ll get there…


© Copyright 2013 Stephanie McWilliams LLC

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