Wishbones vs. Backbones

How to get your desires OUT of your head, and INTO reality

Wishing upon a dream is a lovely theory.

You’ll find proof everywhere you turn: from Disney blockbusters, fairy godmothers, teensy glass slippers and sparkly gold wands.

You and I have been brought up to wish . . . and wish BIG.

It feels great. It sounds even better. But it can actually be the very thing KEEPING your big dreams just out of arm’s reach.

Sitting around in meditation, chanting affirmations and talking endlessly about what you want is only 1 small piece of the unstoppable puzzle.

Unfortunately wishing sends a loud signal out into the Universe saying:

Pretty-please keep my desires just far enough away so I can keep wanting for them endlessly (but never reach them). Thank so much!”

Now of course you’re not doing this on purpose – people have taught you to “dream” since popping out of the womb! And if you take a good hard look around you’ll see everyone else doing the same thing.

But do most people have what they deeply desire? Absolutely NOT.

…People wish for bright red sports cars.

People wish to be rich and famous.

People wish for a smaller tush or thinner thighs.

Thing is: You can wish till the cows come home. But wishing don’t mean squat in the world of Makin-It-Happen.

The last thing you actually need is another magic wishbone. What you REALLY need is an unstoppable backbone.

If you feel a divine desire bubbling up within you, you’ve got to get yourself moving. Hustle your butt. Take bold action. Find massive momentum.

It’s time to throw the wishbones in the garbage, and start to grow a strong, solid spine.

• You’ve got to act like it’s already here.

• You’ve got to talk like you’ve already got it.

• You’ve got to feel like it’s already come true. 

‘Cause it hurts like heck having your desires floating like pink puffy clouds in the sky. But it feels oh-so-very-good to have your dreams sitting rock-solid-real in your cute lil’ hands.

Whatever you do, don’t just sit around waiting. When Source gets a hold of you and propels your passions forward, you want to run out of the house with your arms wide open shouting: “Here I am! Come and get me!”

But if you haven’t yet grown a manifesting-backbone, don’t worry — you’re in good company — along with just about everybody else in the world. (But who needs a LOT of company, when you could have unstoppable company… right?)

So to help get your confidence climbing up the unstoppable ladder, try this on for size this week:

1.    Write down on a notecard something you’ve been.

2.    Jot down at least 3 actions that will move you toward this dream.

3.    Give each goal a clear deadline or due-date. 

Then get your butt moving!

You’re no different than a 6th grade science experiment:  Objects in motion tend to STAY in motion. Objects at rest STAY at rest.

So don’t be a dead-weight bump on the Log-o-Life. Be a movin’, groovin’ unstoppable Dream-Machine, instead.

Because here’s the truth: It’s actually NOT important that you take the “right” actions. It’s more important that you just take ANY action. And fast.


You can make the biggest, dumbest, granded goofs imaginable — but as long as you’re in motion, you’re 10,000x farther along than all the people standing still — COMBINED!

Life’s miracles can only act upon you when you’ve stepped yourself up to the plate. If you’re sitting in the bleachers, well… you’re S.O.L.

So this week: take some action… Inspired action… ANY ACTION!

When you take a running leap of faith — and live to tell the tale — it’s the BEST way to prove to your brain that what it thinks is terrifying is actually rewarding beyond words.

So what ways can you take yourself out of Dreamland and into Actionville?

Get out there this week and muster all the giggly-giddiness you can stand. Be creative. Be bold. Be brave. Be unstoppable!

Then share YOUR big breakthroughs in the comments section below:


© 2012 Stephanie McWilliams LLC


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