Zen and the Art of Parking

On my way home from a business meeting late last night I pulled up in front of my apartment building, positioned my car for a parallel parking maneuver, and slid into the space.

Thinking nothing of it, I grabbed my purse. My keys. My notebook. Unbuckled my belt. Stepped out of the car. Locked things up. And started to walk into the building.

But something caught my eye…

When I turned to look back at the car, just to triple-check that everything was A-OK, my jaw hit the pavement!

My car was wedged into the space with no more than 1 ½ inches in front, and in back.

That CAN’T happen! I thought to myself.

It defies the laws of physics! my brain proclaimed.

Noooooooooooooooo WAY! That’s not EVEN freakin’ possible!” I stuttered with amazement.

[Now, don’t get me wrong: I’ve done some seriously awesome parallel parking in my day. But this particular scenario hands-down took the cake.]

Did aliens swoop down, render me unconscious, and hoist my car over my head – only to gently drop JuneBug (the name of my car) snugly back into place?


Perhaps I’m on a hidden-camera reality tv show? Maybe there was an earthquake that shifted the cars closer together? Teenagers greased my car like a giant stick of butter so it could slip-slide into place?

Nope. Nope. Nope.

What had happened was simple. I had been 100% in alignment with the belief that this parking space was POSSIBLE. 0 doubt. 0 uncertainty.

If I had been more focused on “reality” (and had seen how very small the spot actually was) my brain would have psyched me out. ‘Nuf said. And I would have kept driving around the block to find a more spacious, easier slot.

I would never have attempting this freak-of-nature moment if I’d been focused on the problem or perceived limitations.

So the question is: How many moments like this are you driving by each and every day? How many miraculous moments slip by because you lack faith that they’re possible?

Because here’s the dealeo: What you do with parking, you do EVERYWHERE. I promise.

I see this scenario in many of the women who come through my practice. They have such deep-down beliefs that their dreams aren’t attainable that they don’t even take a crack at them. (Or else they quit far before they get to the gold.)

And the saddest part is this: When you do this, you not only miss out on divinely-delicious opportunities, you ALSO miss out on the over-the-top awesomeness of shouting from the rooftops: “LOOK AT WHAT I WAS ABLE TO PULL OFF!!!!!!!!!”

Without your doubting beliefs, you’d never think twice about trying to cram life’s car into the tightest parking-spot-possibilities. You’d give it a shot, have some fun — and worst case scenario, you’d drive around the block a bit longer, waiting for another opportunity to try it all again.

So be very, very mindful of your thoughts. They are always creating your reality.

If your brain tells you spooky tales that frighten the pants off you and have you running for cover, never-you-fear: That’s just what brain’s are built to do.

Thing is, you don’t have to believe it. Just like you don’t have to believe everything coming out of the radio.

Let your brain’s running commentary simply become a white-noise machine in your head – a soft endless buzz in the background as you live out your purpose.

So this week, take 1 dream you have, and imagine what it would be like if you hit the “PAUSE” button on your brain. What would be possible if you no longer believed you couldn’t do it?

Or heck, just take 1 tiny goal you’ve been putting off and take a stab at it as if you KNEW you could not fail.

What if you believed that anything’s possible? That everything’s worth a try? That life’s just a goofy giant game to be played BIG, boldly and with lots and lots of giggling???

Where would you be 5 years from today if you never stopped to doubt life’s parking space moments and instead just got Zen about it all, and went for it with all the glorious gusto you’ve got?

What if you just…




Share what YOUR life could look like in the comment section below – and be willing to dream big! (Why?…. well… why NOT?)

© 2012 Stephanie McWilliams LLC


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